Preparing for Birth without a Midwife or Doctor
Preparation for planned, or unplanned birth without midwifery or medical professionals.
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Whether labour happens quickly, or you plan to have no midwife or doctor at your birth, you will need to know what to do. Take this course if you have had a fast labour before, are planning to give birth without health professionals present, or just want to prepare for every eventuality.
This course is suitable for those who do plan to give birth with midwifery or medical professionals present but fear that if labour happens too quickly, or a midwife is not available that they will have to birth alone, as well as those planning an unassisted or freebirth.
Perhaps your labour will progress rapidly, and despite your midwife being called your baby arrives before the midwife does. Or maybe you've planned to give birth in a Birth Centre of Hospital and you end up giving birth at home or in the car because your labour went so fast. Either way, after taking this course you should feel more confident to cope until help arrives.
Whatever your plans you will find useful information to help you and your birth partner deal with unexpected outcomes, as well as general birthing information.
Disclaimer This course is written for antenatal education purposes only and is not medical advice. I do not endorse planned birth without a trained health professional although I do support those who plan unassisted birth. The presence of a trained health professional at a birth can sometimes save lives. Discuss your plans and choices with your healthcare provider.
Your Instructor
I am a former Independent Midwife, Perinatal Consultant, Birth Companion and Antenatal Educator. I was a midwife for 21 years and a nurse 16 years before that. I have a Diploma in Antenatal Education through the national childbirth trust, and enjoy educating mothers, non-binary and trans people and their partners.
I provide consultations to inform and support families in their childbearing year and carry a small caseload of birth support clients.
I am often asked to speak at conferences around the world, sharing my passion for birth with other midwives, and birth workers.
I have supported hundreds of families on their journey to joy-full birth and parenthood, and would love to share my knowledge with you.
Course Curriculum
PreviewIntroduction (17:00)
StartPlanned birth without a midwife or doctor (4:15)
StartWhat if I plan to have midwifery or obstetric care but labour is progresses rapidly? (1:39)
StartBaby's coming! - Don't Panic (7:09)
StartBirth partners - read this! (2:36)
StartThe third stage and placental options (12:30)
StartNotifying and registering the birth. And tests offered for your baby
StartIn Conclusion (1:51)