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Preparing for Birth without a Midwife or Doctor
Birth without assistance
Introduction (17:00)
Planned birth without a midwife or doctor (4:15)
What if I plan to have midwifery or obstetric care but labour is progresses rapidly? (1:39)
Baby's coming! - Don't Panic (7:09)
Birth partners - read this! (2:36)
The third stage and placental options (12:30)
Notifying and registering the birth. And tests offered for your baby
In Conclusion (1:51)
Emergency Situations
Introduction and frequently asked questions
Excessive Blood Loss after Placenta has Been Born (4:30)
Baby not breathing (3:03)
Unexpected breech birth (2:59)
Baby's head is born but the shoulders are stuck (shoulder dystocia) (1:45)
Cord Prolapse
Planned birth without a midwife or doctor
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